vendredi, février 02, 2007

Long delays

I am not quite on top of the whole posting with regularity thing yet. I think I was discouraged after the first post when I re-read it and noticed many typographical errors, which was discouraging, especially when one prides oneself on one's love of copy editing. The wireless is also extremely fickle chez moi so that can make for slow going.

Alas. Tis a vendredi soir and I just are dinner with M et Mme Chenain. Madame cooked some langue de veau (tongue of veal), which I had no desire to eat whatsoever, but I tried to meekly choke down some bites to be polite. I almost lost all sense of politesse when I noticed the small tongue depressions on the bottom of the piece that I had chosen. I suppose it was quite tender, but I couldn't stop thinking about my own tongue as it collided with the cooked langue.

On a happier note, I'll include some pictures from my trip to Bourgogne this past weekend where it was chillingly quiet and snowy and the food was delightful and saucy with amazing moutarde.

7.3o a.m. on a snowy field in Bourgogne

The caves of the vignoble La Reine Pedauque

"It's better to put your nose in a glass of Burgundy than in other people's business."

The Abbaye de Fontenay, founded in 1118 by Saint Bernard.

The view from the Basilique de Vezelay

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