Well, tonight Sarkozy decisively beat Segolene Royal in France's second round of the presidential elections. Even though I am not surprised, I still thought for a moment, right before the results were announced, that perhaps Sego would pull through. Alas.
A crowd tried to protest the impending doom at Bastille...Go here to find my favorite new Sarko slogan.
I watched the results by walking up and down Rue St. Jacques, first stopping at the overflowing, but hushed small satellite bureau of the PS where plates of pasta salad sat untouched, down past the cafe au coin where I watched Sego cheerfully address her crowd (she almost seemed somewhat relieved) and then I spent the last hour, waiting for Sarkozy to finish his triumphal car ride and address the public, in the little marche next door, where the nice vender bagged up my Perrier and cheese, and ticked his tongue in disappointment telling me that France was now going to have a president who was 'a mere thumb, a small, not nice man.'
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